Wednesday, January 28, 2009

My Photo Story Part II

I have successfully uploaded My Photo Story with the music of my choice. My link will now represent the new version. Enjoy!!!

Best of Everything,

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Google Docs - My Resume

I have also uploaded my resume for the public at Google Docs. It was fairly easy to do, especially if you already have a resume created. I have posted the link on this post and under my links.

Best of Everything,


I have previously worked with my FTP site. When I had, Instructional Technology, with Dr. Morphew we uploaded a website to our FTP site. I found it interesting that my information from Instructional Tech is still stored on my FTP. I had to really read and re-read the directions to this assignment. It was not very difficult. You just have to make sure everything is typed in very precisely. I have included a link to my FTP shared file, my resume.

Best of Everything,

My Photo Story

I finally finished my Photo Story. It took me quite a bit of time (thank goodness for snow days!!). Anyways, I am pleased with the project. I was very disappointed; however, because the song I chose for my background music was licensed. I know better than that. I cannot use a song which is already licensed without permission. Needless to say, my project is without music. I feel it is a little boring without the music. I attempted to add permitted music from You Tube, but the music was too much louder than my narration. So my project is without "Magic Carpet Ride" by Steppenwolf. In my links, I added the link to my Photo Story.

Best of Everything,

Image courtesy of: Google Images -

Thursday, January 22, 2009


I assume that I finished both surveys. When I say assume, I mean that I did fill the surveys out and submit them; however, I am hesitant about if the information went through or not. I hope so. I am surprised by the amount of surveys I have filled out for graduate school. It has been an instructional tool in almost every class I have had thus far. I use surveys in the classroom myself. They can be beneficial.

Best of Everything,

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Blogs, Skype, and more....

I am learning more and more how to use this blog. I am a very private person. I do not enjoy really broadcasting my life online, where anyone or everyone can see. Being in the field of education, you have to be very careful of what you put out there about yourself. So I am trying to be open minded and not flip out over the fact that my life is now somewhat accessible.

Skype was interesting. I put that together pretty easily (with the help of my computer literate husband). The advances in technology amaze me. It makes me wonder what it will be like 5, 10, or 25 years from now. I guess only time will tell.........

Best of Everything,

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Hello Everyone!

My name is Ashley. Welcome to my blog. Like my profile states, I have my BA in Social Studies Education from Fairmont State. I am working on my MA in Professional Studies with a certificate in Online Learning. I hope to finish either this summer or the Fall of 09. I am a substitute teacher for the Marion County Schools. Subbing always keeps my on my toes. In the near future, I hope to get a job as a Social Studies teacher in the public school system.

On June 14th, 2008, I married my husband, Steve. We have been together nearly eight years now. The picture I included in this post is of him and I. One Saturday afternoon, we made a spontaneous trip to Black Water Falls. He works in the Information Technology Field. We both are avid sports fans. We like WVU football and Steelers Football. Go Steelers!! We also enjoy traveling. Our travels mostly center around history. We both enjoy history and love to learn through actually visiting the places of the past.

I look forward to reading everyone's blogs. Good luck in this course, 6305 Advanced Technology and Media.

Best of Everything,