Sunday, April 5, 2009

Fun With Data Formatting

Fun with Data was an interesting assignment. I had some trouble with the assignment because I have very little experience with Microsoft Excel. The formulas are especially frustrating. Initially, I finished the first part of the assignment. I was not sure if it was correct. After reading and re-reading the information about manipulating data and the narrative, I had no idea where to go. Out of frustration, I posted to Webct. Debbie responded almost immediately. I was so happy to hear that she finished the assignment and was willing to offer her help. After reading her post, I was a little better familiar with the expectations of the assignment; however, I was still lost. I contacted Debbie, again, and asked if we could SKYPE about the assignment. She had initially offered to use SKYPE, so I decided it was time to take advantage of the online phone system. Debbie and I SKYPED for over an hour. She basically walked me through how to do every part of the assignment. I started from scratch, which was much easier. Her son was even a big help. I finished the entire project in an hour. I was amazed at how easy it really was once you knew what to do. Bless Debbie for being such a trooper and helping me out. She even explained to me an example of how we might use this in the future. I did not realize that Excel could be used to incorporate online quiz scores. It would be beneficial to break down test and quizzes in this format. This assignment covered all technology aspects of ISTE. I have provided Dr. Pierce with my assignment, which was uploaded to Google Docs.

Best of Everything,

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