Saturday, February 28, 2009

My Podcast

Here is my podcast. I have also uploaded my document to Google Docs. This assignment was very challenging. I have never created a podcast before or uploaded audio to the Internet. I had extreme difficulty in changing my file from a wav or ogg to mp3. Finally, after several hours and researching the information, I asked my husband for help. Within minutes, he had it figured out. He was able to show me how to convert the file so it could be uploaded correctly. I look forward to viewing other podcasts. As always, my links are posted in the My Links section of my blog.

Best of Everything,


Saturday, February 21, 2009

Photoshop Express

This image is also located in my Web Album; however, I edited this image. I cropped out the road and white blue that existed in the original. I also accentuated the blue tones of the picture. I added lighting affects, as well. I decided to add a little Post It note and simple sentence. The reason I chose this picture to edit was because one of my favorite things about this state, is the mountains. When you drive through this state, you see the endless mountain ranges. Historically, the first settlers actually thought the endless mountains was actually the endless blue ocean. It makes sense because if you really look at the picture you can almost see the potential of the mountains to appear like an ocean. This could be used with in the Social Studies classroom, in explanation of the first settlers of these areas. Students could be asked to interpret the image they are seeing. They could be asked what they are seeing. Maybe some would believe it to be the ocean as well. This also covers the first standard "Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity". I have included a link to my edited image in My Links.

Web Album Assignment

I used Picasa to upload my picture to my Web Album. I uploaded a picture I took on Route 33 between Harrisonburg, VA and Franklin, WV. Picasa can be used to upload images for my Social Studies classroom. I could upload images, for example of my trip to Williamsburg, VA. In lesson on Williamsburg, I can actually show my students what I am lecturing about. Images could be viewed on my computer and projected onto a screen for students to view, as well. I have also included, in my album, a few examples of Williamsburg that could be shared with my students. This assignment clearly exemplifies the ISTE/NETS standard 1. Standard 1 is to "Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity". A link is provided below and in My Links.

Best of Everything,


Friday, February 20, 2009

This is my Social Studies Class Venn Diagram. Content Standards are very important to follow in the Social Studies classroom. There are CSO's for the state level, curriculum mapping, and goals for standardized testing. Historical Content is also very important in a Social Studies class, specifically History. The Historical Content must be free from biases, accurate, and research based. Technology and Media Content is newer to the Social Studies classroom. Grades, performance, and attendance are now all published via the Internet Grade Quick program. Students are encouraged to use Internet, computer software, and other sources of technology. Media usage includes audio and video capacities. The commonality of all three circles, is content. The content of a Social Studies classroom is comprised of all factors. The content is the whole and the other factors contribute. In reality, other diagrams can be made for the Social Studies class, where the factors are similar or entirely different. I just feel my choices are based on the classroom ideal for my educational goals. I have included the link in this post to my diagram -

Best of Everything,

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Graphs 1 and 2

I finished and submitted my graphs to my Google Docs page. I have provided links to both graphs on my blog. Graph 1 was much easier to accomplish than graph two. For both graphs, I used a line graph. A line graph allowed me access to providing several pieces of information. On my Google Docs, you will also see that I added comments on both graphs. I wrote a brief statement concluding my findings for both graphs.

My date came for the following two websites:

Best of Everything,

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Image Capture

I used the Paint program, on Microsoft Windows, to create this image of the calculator. I used the print screen button, and then pasted the image into the new paint page. I edited the image by cropping the size and filling the background with an aqua color. I had to fill the background because, originally, it was the main screen of my computer. The file type I used was a JPEG image. The file size is 19.5 KB. The image size is 328 x 316. I saved the image capture to my jump drive. Then, I uploaded my image capture to my Google Docs website. I have provided a link to the image and also the image itself in this blog.

Image captures could improve my classes by providing a visual representation of expectations, assignments, or activities. For example, maybe my class would like to have access to the calculator to calculate grades. I could provide this image capture. On the website, they could double click on the image capture and in a new window a calculator would open up. I could also use this with various Social Studies related activities. Image captures could also provide examples of what assignments should look like. If students are creating a map of the migration patterns of individuals during the Gold Rush, I could provide an example of what the map could look like. Next, students could click on the image and be linked to instructions and assignment objectives. These are just a few examples of how image captures could be used within the classroom setting, both f2f and hybrid.

Best of Everything,


Sunday, February 8, 2009

Dale's Cone of Experience

I have finished my Dale's Cone of Experience narrative. I have posted it to my Google Docs. A link has been included to my narrative. The assignment was interesting. I am more familiar with reading and writing responses in my Grad school experiences. Also, I recently have been working with Vista and Office 2007, instead of XP and Office 2003. I had some difficulties with connecting to my FTP, so Google Docs came in handy. I did have to change my file to a .doc instead of .docx to use Google Docs. Oh well, it all worked.

Best of Everything,

Saturday, February 7, 2009

My Desktop Graphic

I created my desktop graphic in Microsoft Word. I considered using Microsoft Visio, but decided to stick with Word. I am more comfortable with Word. I created a desktop graphic of the three branches of government. This graphic would be beneficial to my teaching endeavors in the future. I included clip art from Word. It would provide to be a quick reference for a general understanding of the three branches of government. I saved my desktop graphic to my ftp site. I included a link to my desktop graphic here in my blog. My graphic is only 318 KB in size and its a Word document. I hope it proves to be beneficial in classroom use.

Best of Everything,