Saturday, February 21, 2009

Photoshop Express

This image is also located in my Web Album; however, I edited this image. I cropped out the road and white blue that existed in the original. I also accentuated the blue tones of the picture. I added lighting affects, as well. I decided to add a little Post It note and simple sentence. The reason I chose this picture to edit was because one of my favorite things about this state, is the mountains. When you drive through this state, you see the endless mountain ranges. Historically, the first settlers actually thought the endless mountains was actually the endless blue ocean. It makes sense because if you really look at the picture you can almost see the potential of the mountains to appear like an ocean. This could be used with in the Social Studies classroom, in explanation of the first settlers of these areas. Students could be asked to interpret the image they are seeing. They could be asked what they are seeing. Maybe some would believe it to be the ocean as well. This also covers the first standard "Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity". I have included a link to my edited image in My Links.

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