Friday, February 20, 2009

This is my Social Studies Class Venn Diagram. Content Standards are very important to follow in the Social Studies classroom. There are CSO's for the state level, curriculum mapping, and goals for standardized testing. Historical Content is also very important in a Social Studies class, specifically History. The Historical Content must be free from biases, accurate, and research based. Technology and Media Content is newer to the Social Studies classroom. Grades, performance, and attendance are now all published via the Internet Grade Quick program. Students are encouraged to use Internet, computer software, and other sources of technology. Media usage includes audio and video capacities. The commonality of all three circles, is content. The content of a Social Studies classroom is comprised of all factors. The content is the whole and the other factors contribute. In reality, other diagrams can be made for the Social Studies class, where the factors are similar or entirely different. I just feel my choices are based on the classroom ideal for my educational goals. I have included the link in this post to my diagram -

Best of Everything,

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