Sunday, February 15, 2009

Image Capture

I used the Paint program, on Microsoft Windows, to create this image of the calculator. I used the print screen button, and then pasted the image into the new paint page. I edited the image by cropping the size and filling the background with an aqua color. I had to fill the background because, originally, it was the main screen of my computer. The file type I used was a JPEG image. The file size is 19.5 KB. The image size is 328 x 316. I saved the image capture to my jump drive. Then, I uploaded my image capture to my Google Docs website. I have provided a link to the image and also the image itself in this blog.

Image captures could improve my classes by providing a visual representation of expectations, assignments, or activities. For example, maybe my class would like to have access to the calculator to calculate grades. I could provide this image capture. On the website, they could double click on the image capture and in a new window a calculator would open up. I could also use this with various Social Studies related activities. Image captures could also provide examples of what assignments should look like. If students are creating a map of the migration patterns of individuals during the Gold Rush, I could provide an example of what the map could look like. Next, students could click on the image and be linked to instructions and assignment objectives. These are just a few examples of how image captures could be used within the classroom setting, both f2f and hybrid.

Best of Everything,


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