Monday, March 30, 2009

Windows Movie Maker

My Chapter 14 PowerPoint was used to create a movie. I already had Windows Movie Maker on my computer. I edited my PowerPoint to include the West Virginia Content Standard, ISTE Standards, and 21st Century Learning Skills. All appear on slides within my movie. Technology was the main factor in all the standards. As well, I included a title and credit slide. I provided the websites where I found the correct standards implemented. After editing my PowerPoint, I saved it as JPEG images. Then, I opened Windows Movie Maker and created my movie. I then saved my project and also published it to my computer. After publishing my movie, I uploaded it to YouTube and embedded it into my blog. A link is also included in My Links.

Best of Everything,

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Online Middle Ages Quiz

Using Google Docs, I was able to create an online quiz on the middle ages. I found Google Docs very simple and user friendly. This would provide to be very beneficial. Students could be asked to work in the computer lab. Quizzes could be accessed in the computer lab. Students could answer and submit quizzes and test through Google Docs. This would be beneficial because it would cut down on the usage of paper. As well, students who were absent could make up the quiz from home. This would cut back on the teacher's time input into make-up assignments. Also, the variety of types of questions provides to be beneficial. Below, you will find my Google Docs Quiz. You can submit the quiz through this blog. Also, I have provided a link to my quiz in the My Links section.

Best of Everything,

Coat of Arms Project

I have created a rubric for a Coat of Arms Project. As you can see most of the projects I have created in this class, follow along with the Middle Ages. I decided to try to keep assignments in the same time frame. I have used a Coat of Arms project before in my classes; however, I decided to actually create a rubric for students to follow. This rubric was published to Google Docs. I had difficulty doing this because of Microsoft Office 2007. I had to save the Excel Spreadsheet a few different way before I finally could open it. In the end, I saved it in a folder, and accessed only the spreadsheet itself. I published to Coat of Arms Rubric to Google Docs. As well, I attempted to publish it directly to my blog. The rubric did not automatically re-size, so I am publishing a link to my Coat of Arms Rubric.

Best of Everything,

Link is located under My Links

Sunday, March 22, 2009

PDF Power Point Presentation

I have successfully uploaded my Power Point Presentation to Google Docs as a PDF. In Google Docs, I had uploaded my Power Point Presentation and then they had the capabilities of changing the ppt to a PDF. It was very simple. Creating a PDF from a presentation allows for students to access the Power Point presenation in an environment where they cannot manipulate the information. As well, they can access it from computers that do not have Microsoft Office. The PDF type allows you to easily access and navigate the Power Point presenation. The PDF opens in Google Docs with Adobe Acrobat Reader. As well, with Google Docs you can choose people with whom to share your presentation via email. I have provided a link below as in My Links to My Power Point PDF.

Best of Everything,

Embedded Power Point

Finally, I was able to embed my Power Point Presentation into my blog. I have to thank Debbie for her help. Her new found techiness, has helped me a lot.

The odd thing was that I was doing exactly the same thing two days ago; however, it was not working. Then, this morning it worked perfectly. This is another example of how technology is not always consistent.

Embedding Power Point Presentations will be very beneficial. It can be used for students to re-examine the presentation for homework assignments, make-up work, and even studying for tests.

I am thrilled to finally get this part of the assignment completed. It was quite frustrating.

Best of everything,

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Jeopardy Game

I created a Jeopardy game that can be used as review prior to testing. My Jeopardy game covers Chapter 14. As you may recall, I created a Power Point show for Chapter 14's information. So this Jeopardy game can be used in review and in correlation with the Power Point Show. The subject level is World Civilizations. The grade levels are 9th and 10th. My Jeopardy game and Power Point Show cover the following West Virginia CSO's:

SS.10.5.4 identify and explain the effects of significant political developments and trends in the world before 1900.


SS.10.5.1 analyze and assess the concept of nation building (e.g., city states, Rome, rise of European nation states).

The link to my Jeopardy Game is as follows: (Also, a link is provided in the My Links section of my blog).

Best of Everything,

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Midterms have arrived, finally. I feel this semester has been a semester of of new things academically, professionally, and personally. This class has been very challenging. We continue to cover and develop technology standards in education; including the ISTE and NCATE. I have learned how to use new avenues of instruction; for example, podcasts, developing Power Points into web pages, continued reflection through blogging, saving documents via Google Docs and FTP sites, using websites to develop projects and assignments, photo sharing, and much more. As the semester progresses into the final eight weeks, I imagine assignments will only get more challenging and continue with a foundation in technology.

Best of Everything,

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Power Point Website

Here is the link to my Power Point website. After much difficulty with the FTP site, again, I finally properly linked my FTP. Both the Power Point Show and Website, clearly demonstrate the proper use of technology based on the ISTE/NETS standard.

Best of Everything,

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Power Point on FTP

My Power Point show on my FTP. I recently purchased a new computer out of necessity. Now, I have Microsoft Office 2007. I spent a few days trying to access my FTP to no avail. Finally, I realized that Internet 7 does not allow me access to my FTP. So using, Microsoft 2007, I had to access my documents, type in the FTP site, login, and it worked wonderfully. So after new technology insights. My Power Point in located on the FTP. There is a link in this post as well as in my links.

Best of Everything,