Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Bubonic Plague Webquest

I have successfully created my Webquest. It is called The Bubonic Plague Webquest. Below, I have answered the questions concerning the project itself. I rather enjoyed this activity. I was proud of the outcome of my Webquest. Here is the link to my Webquest:

Best of Everything,

What is the context and how do we represent it.
~ The context is Medieval History in a World History course.

What are the guiding question (s)?
~ The guiding question is: What caused the Bubonic Plague?

What are the roles?
~ The roles of group members are the note taker, writer, presenter, and defender.

What essential activities or processes are being conducted by each role?
~ The note taker is responsible for taking notes while students read through the role play. The writer writes up the official hypothesis. The presenter presents the hypothesis to the other groups. The defender defends the hypothesis to all other groups.

What artifacts come from each group member?
~ Group members are required to read the role play, have notes, and the hypothesis worksheet.

Are our instructions for each process detailed enough for the user to conduct the processes?
~ Yes

Do we supply any completed examples of artifacts? How will these artifacts be assessed?
~ No detailed examples are provided because that would take away from the group's actually determining a hypothesis of their own, without influence from examples. An example blank worksheet and rubric are provided on Google Docs.

Are our resources well investigated and support the mission of Webquest in answering the guiding questions (s)?
~ Yes

How do these activities contribute to answering the guiding question (s)?
~ The group's access a mock role play that gives them clues into what caused the spread of the Bubonic Plague. From there, students have to develop a hypothesis of their own.

What is the group artifact? How will it be delivered and assessed? (rubric) viewable and downloadable from the web.
~ The artifacts include Role Play Handout, the Bubonic Plague Hypothesis Worksheet, and the Bubonic Plague Rubric. All are downloadable from Google Docs.

What is the HEAT level?
~ Level 5

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Fun With Data Formatting

Fun with Data was an interesting assignment. I had some trouble with the assignment because I have very little experience with Microsoft Excel. The formulas are especially frustrating. Initially, I finished the first part of the assignment. I was not sure if it was correct. After reading and re-reading the information about manipulating data and the narrative, I had no idea where to go. Out of frustration, I posted to Webct. Debbie responded almost immediately. I was so happy to hear that she finished the assignment and was willing to offer her help. After reading her post, I was a little better familiar with the expectations of the assignment; however, I was still lost. I contacted Debbie, again, and asked if we could SKYPE about the assignment. She had initially offered to use SKYPE, so I decided it was time to take advantage of the online phone system. Debbie and I SKYPED for over an hour. She basically walked me through how to do every part of the assignment. I started from scratch, which was much easier. Her son was even a big help. I finished the entire project in an hour. I was amazed at how easy it really was once you knew what to do. Bless Debbie for being such a trooper and helping me out. She even explained to me an example of how we might use this in the future. I did not realize that Excel could be used to incorporate online quiz scores. It would be beneficial to break down test and quizzes in this format. This assignment covered all technology aspects of ISTE. I have provided Dr. Pierce with my assignment, which was uploaded to Google Docs.

Best of Everything,

Monday, March 30, 2009

Windows Movie Maker

My Chapter 14 PowerPoint was used to create a movie. I already had Windows Movie Maker on my computer. I edited my PowerPoint to include the West Virginia Content Standard, ISTE Standards, and 21st Century Learning Skills. All appear on slides within my movie. Technology was the main factor in all the standards. As well, I included a title and credit slide. I provided the websites where I found the correct standards implemented. After editing my PowerPoint, I saved it as JPEG images. Then, I opened Windows Movie Maker and created my movie. I then saved my project and also published it to my computer. After publishing my movie, I uploaded it to YouTube and embedded it into my blog. A link is also included in My Links.

Best of Everything,

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Online Middle Ages Quiz

Using Google Docs, I was able to create an online quiz on the middle ages. I found Google Docs very simple and user friendly. This would provide to be very beneficial. Students could be asked to work in the computer lab. Quizzes could be accessed in the computer lab. Students could answer and submit quizzes and test through Google Docs. This would be beneficial because it would cut down on the usage of paper. As well, students who were absent could make up the quiz from home. This would cut back on the teacher's time input into make-up assignments. Also, the variety of types of questions provides to be beneficial. Below, you will find my Google Docs Quiz. You can submit the quiz through this blog. Also, I have provided a link to my quiz in the My Links section.

Best of Everything,

Coat of Arms Project

I have created a rubric for a Coat of Arms Project. As you can see most of the projects I have created in this class, follow along with the Middle Ages. I decided to try to keep assignments in the same time frame. I have used a Coat of Arms project before in my classes; however, I decided to actually create a rubric for students to follow. This rubric was published to Google Docs. I had difficulty doing this because of Microsoft Office 2007. I had to save the Excel Spreadsheet a few different way before I finally could open it. In the end, I saved it in a folder, and accessed only the spreadsheet itself. I published to Coat of Arms Rubric to Google Docs. As well, I attempted to publish it directly to my blog. The rubric did not automatically re-size, so I am publishing a link to my Coat of Arms Rubric.

Best of Everything,

Link is located under My Links

Sunday, March 22, 2009

PDF Power Point Presentation

I have successfully uploaded my Power Point Presentation to Google Docs as a PDF. In Google Docs, I had uploaded my Power Point Presentation and then they had the capabilities of changing the ppt to a PDF. It was very simple. Creating a PDF from a presentation allows for students to access the Power Point presenation in an environment where they cannot manipulate the information. As well, they can access it from computers that do not have Microsoft Office. The PDF type allows you to easily access and navigate the Power Point presenation. The PDF opens in Google Docs with Adobe Acrobat Reader. As well, with Google Docs you can choose people with whom to share your presentation via email. I have provided a link below as in My Links to My Power Point PDF.

Best of Everything,

Embedded Power Point

Finally, I was able to embed my Power Point Presentation into my blog. I have to thank Debbie for her help. Her new found techiness, has helped me a lot.

The odd thing was that I was doing exactly the same thing two days ago; however, it was not working. Then, this morning it worked perfectly. This is another example of how technology is not always consistent.

Embedding Power Point Presentations will be very beneficial. It can be used for students to re-examine the presentation for homework assignments, make-up work, and even studying for tests.

I am thrilled to finally get this part of the assignment completed. It was quite frustrating.

Best of everything,

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Jeopardy Game

I created a Jeopardy game that can be used as review prior to testing. My Jeopardy game covers Chapter 14. As you may recall, I created a Power Point show for Chapter 14's information. So this Jeopardy game can be used in review and in correlation with the Power Point Show. The subject level is World Civilizations. The grade levels are 9th and 10th. My Jeopardy game and Power Point Show cover the following West Virginia CSO's:

SS.10.5.4 identify and explain the effects of significant political developments and trends in the world before 1900.


SS.10.5.1 analyze and assess the concept of nation building (e.g., city states, Rome, rise of European nation states).

The link to my Jeopardy Game is as follows: (Also, a link is provided in the My Links section of my blog).

Best of Everything,

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Midterms have arrived, finally. I feel this semester has been a semester of of new things academically, professionally, and personally. This class has been very challenging. We continue to cover and develop technology standards in education; including the ISTE and NCATE. I have learned how to use new avenues of instruction; for example, podcasts, developing Power Points into web pages, continued reflection through blogging, saving documents via Google Docs and FTP sites, using websites to develop projects and assignments, photo sharing, and much more. As the semester progresses into the final eight weeks, I imagine assignments will only get more challenging and continue with a foundation in technology.

Best of Everything,

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Power Point Website

Here is the link to my Power Point website. After much difficulty with the FTP site, again, I finally properly linked my FTP. Both the Power Point Show and Website, clearly demonstrate the proper use of technology based on the ISTE/NETS standard.

Best of Everything,

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Power Point on FTP

My Power Point show on my FTP. I recently purchased a new computer out of necessity. Now, I have Microsoft Office 2007. I spent a few days trying to access my FTP to no avail. Finally, I realized that Internet 7 does not allow me access to my FTP. So using, Microsoft 2007, I had to access my documents, type in the FTP site, login, and it worked wonderfully. So after new technology insights. My Power Point in located on the FTP. There is a link in this post as well as in my links.

Best of Everything,

Saturday, February 28, 2009

My Podcast

Here is my podcast. I have also uploaded my document to Google Docs. This assignment was very challenging. I have never created a podcast before or uploaded audio to the Internet. I had extreme difficulty in changing my file from a wav or ogg to mp3. Finally, after several hours and researching the information, I asked my husband for help. Within minutes, he had it figured out. He was able to show me how to convert the file so it could be uploaded correctly. I look forward to viewing other podcasts. As always, my links are posted in the My Links section of my blog.

Best of Everything,


Saturday, February 21, 2009

Photoshop Express

This image is also located in my Web Album; however, I edited this image. I cropped out the road and white blue that existed in the original. I also accentuated the blue tones of the picture. I added lighting affects, as well. I decided to add a little Post It note and simple sentence. The reason I chose this picture to edit was because one of my favorite things about this state, is the mountains. When you drive through this state, you see the endless mountain ranges. Historically, the first settlers actually thought the endless mountains was actually the endless blue ocean. It makes sense because if you really look at the picture you can almost see the potential of the mountains to appear like an ocean. This could be used with in the Social Studies classroom, in explanation of the first settlers of these areas. Students could be asked to interpret the image they are seeing. They could be asked what they are seeing. Maybe some would believe it to be the ocean as well. This also covers the first standard "Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity". I have included a link to my edited image in My Links.

Web Album Assignment

I used Picasa to upload my picture to my Web Album. I uploaded a picture I took on Route 33 between Harrisonburg, VA and Franklin, WV. Picasa can be used to upload images for my Social Studies classroom. I could upload images, for example of my trip to Williamsburg, VA. In lesson on Williamsburg, I can actually show my students what I am lecturing about. Images could be viewed on my computer and projected onto a screen for students to view, as well. I have also included, in my album, a few examples of Williamsburg that could be shared with my students. This assignment clearly exemplifies the ISTE/NETS standard 1. Standard 1 is to "Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity". A link is provided below and in My Links.

Best of Everything,


Friday, February 20, 2009

This is my Social Studies Class Venn Diagram. Content Standards are very important to follow in the Social Studies classroom. There are CSO's for the state level, curriculum mapping, and goals for standardized testing. Historical Content is also very important in a Social Studies class, specifically History. The Historical Content must be free from biases, accurate, and research based. Technology and Media Content is newer to the Social Studies classroom. Grades, performance, and attendance are now all published via the Internet Grade Quick program. Students are encouraged to use Internet, computer software, and other sources of technology. Media usage includes audio and video capacities. The commonality of all three circles, is content. The content of a Social Studies classroom is comprised of all factors. The content is the whole and the other factors contribute. In reality, other diagrams can be made for the Social Studies class, where the factors are similar or entirely different. I just feel my choices are based on the classroom ideal for my educational goals. I have included the link in this post to my diagram -

Best of Everything,

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Graphs 1 and 2

I finished and submitted my graphs to my Google Docs page. I have provided links to both graphs on my blog. Graph 1 was much easier to accomplish than graph two. For both graphs, I used a line graph. A line graph allowed me access to providing several pieces of information. On my Google Docs, you will also see that I added comments on both graphs. I wrote a brief statement concluding my findings for both graphs.

My date came for the following two websites:

Best of Everything,

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Image Capture

I used the Paint program, on Microsoft Windows, to create this image of the calculator. I used the print screen button, and then pasted the image into the new paint page. I edited the image by cropping the size and filling the background with an aqua color. I had to fill the background because, originally, it was the main screen of my computer. The file type I used was a JPEG image. The file size is 19.5 KB. The image size is 328 x 316. I saved the image capture to my jump drive. Then, I uploaded my image capture to my Google Docs website. I have provided a link to the image and also the image itself in this blog.

Image captures could improve my classes by providing a visual representation of expectations, assignments, or activities. For example, maybe my class would like to have access to the calculator to calculate grades. I could provide this image capture. On the website, they could double click on the image capture and in a new window a calculator would open up. I could also use this with various Social Studies related activities. Image captures could also provide examples of what assignments should look like. If students are creating a map of the migration patterns of individuals during the Gold Rush, I could provide an example of what the map could look like. Next, students could click on the image and be linked to instructions and assignment objectives. These are just a few examples of how image captures could be used within the classroom setting, both f2f and hybrid.

Best of Everything,


Sunday, February 8, 2009

Dale's Cone of Experience

I have finished my Dale's Cone of Experience narrative. I have posted it to my Google Docs. A link has been included to my narrative. The assignment was interesting. I am more familiar with reading and writing responses in my Grad school experiences. Also, I recently have been working with Vista and Office 2007, instead of XP and Office 2003. I had some difficulties with connecting to my FTP, so Google Docs came in handy. I did have to change my file to a .doc instead of .docx to use Google Docs. Oh well, it all worked.

Best of Everything,

Saturday, February 7, 2009

My Desktop Graphic

I created my desktop graphic in Microsoft Word. I considered using Microsoft Visio, but decided to stick with Word. I am more comfortable with Word. I created a desktop graphic of the three branches of government. This graphic would be beneficial to my teaching endeavors in the future. I included clip art from Word. It would provide to be a quick reference for a general understanding of the three branches of government. I saved my desktop graphic to my ftp site. I included a link to my desktop graphic here in my blog. My graphic is only 318 KB in size and its a Word document. I hope it proves to be beneficial in classroom use.

Best of Everything,

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

My Photo Story Part II

I have successfully uploaded My Photo Story with the music of my choice. My link will now represent the new version. Enjoy!!!

Best of Everything,

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Google Docs - My Resume

I have also uploaded my resume for the public at Google Docs. It was fairly easy to do, especially if you already have a resume created. I have posted the link on this post and under my links.

Best of Everything,


I have previously worked with my FTP site. When I had, Instructional Technology, with Dr. Morphew we uploaded a website to our FTP site. I found it interesting that my information from Instructional Tech is still stored on my FTP. I had to really read and re-read the directions to this assignment. It was not very difficult. You just have to make sure everything is typed in very precisely. I have included a link to my FTP shared file, my resume.

Best of Everything,

My Photo Story

I finally finished my Photo Story. It took me quite a bit of time (thank goodness for snow days!!). Anyways, I am pleased with the project. I was very disappointed; however, because the song I chose for my background music was licensed. I know better than that. I cannot use a song which is already licensed without permission. Needless to say, my project is without music. I feel it is a little boring without the music. I attempted to add permitted music from You Tube, but the music was too much louder than my narration. So my project is without "Magic Carpet Ride" by Steppenwolf. In my links, I added the link to my Photo Story.

Best of Everything,

Image courtesy of: Google Images -

Thursday, January 22, 2009


I assume that I finished both surveys. When I say assume, I mean that I did fill the surveys out and submit them; however, I am hesitant about if the information went through or not. I hope so. I am surprised by the amount of surveys I have filled out for graduate school. It has been an instructional tool in almost every class I have had thus far. I use surveys in the classroom myself. They can be beneficial.

Best of Everything,

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Blogs, Skype, and more....

I am learning more and more how to use this blog. I am a very private person. I do not enjoy really broadcasting my life online, where anyone or everyone can see. Being in the field of education, you have to be very careful of what you put out there about yourself. So I am trying to be open minded and not flip out over the fact that my life is now somewhat accessible.

Skype was interesting. I put that together pretty easily (with the help of my computer literate husband). The advances in technology amaze me. It makes me wonder what it will be like 5, 10, or 25 years from now. I guess only time will tell.........

Best of Everything,

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Hello Everyone!

My name is Ashley. Welcome to my blog. Like my profile states, I have my BA in Social Studies Education from Fairmont State. I am working on my MA in Professional Studies with a certificate in Online Learning. I hope to finish either this summer or the Fall of 09. I am a substitute teacher for the Marion County Schools. Subbing always keeps my on my toes. In the near future, I hope to get a job as a Social Studies teacher in the public school system.

On June 14th, 2008, I married my husband, Steve. We have been together nearly eight years now. The picture I included in this post is of him and I. One Saturday afternoon, we made a spontaneous trip to Black Water Falls. He works in the Information Technology Field. We both are avid sports fans. We like WVU football and Steelers Football. Go Steelers!! We also enjoy traveling. Our travels mostly center around history. We both enjoy history and love to learn through actually visiting the places of the past.

I look forward to reading everyone's blogs. Good luck in this course, 6305 Advanced Technology and Media.

Best of Everything,